Dr. Dan L. Edmunds, Ed.D,B.C.S.A.,DAPA.

Dr. Dan L. Edmunds, Ed.D,B.C.S.A.,DAPA.
e-mail: batushkad@yahoo.com

Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Dr. Dan L. Edmunds Reflections on New Year 2011

Last year, in my book THE MEETING OF TWO PERSONS: WHAT THERAPY SHOULD BE I described the social, political, and familial processes that lead persons to emotional distress. In addition, I argued about the breakdown of community and the apathy that exists within our society today. In this new year, it is necessary for us to become more courageous, more bold, and to continue to actively challenge those forces which oppress individuals. Within the field of mental health, we need to continue to tackle the false biological concepts which stigmatize persons, turns them into helpless and hopeless persons, and which makes them numbers rather than people who create profits for the pharmaceutical industry and others who would mercilessly seek to gain from their suffering, who would make them life long 'consumers'. It is a time for self reflection as well, as the only way we can make any difference in the lives of others is to begin to see where we stand. At some point, we have all been traumatized, some to a lesser degree, and some to a enormous degree, life often appears absurd, work meaningless, and we feel we are just barely staying afloat. It is necessary for us to take moments to reflect, to create meaning and purpose, and to forge together in community. If we are to survive, it can only be done together, if we are remain divided and fragmented, the 'insanity' of the world will only continue forward. In spite of the challenge, we press on, and we retain hope, and we press on with a spirit of defiance, that nothing will bring us down, nothing will stop us, and though the odds may be against us at times, our victory will always remain in knowing that we were persons of ethics and compassion.

-Dan L. Edmunds, Ed.D.



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